Printed Circuit Boards Explained

A new circuit board (PCB) has the potential to create a marvelous number of electronic devices. It can be daunting to try and understand design from the ground up. Most people begin their training in circuit boards from understanding how existing circuit boards work. Most designers and engineers had childhood hobbies of taking apart their toys and games to see how things worked on the inside. This practice is no different of taking apart old electronics and examining the circuit boards to understand how their function served the device as a whole.

Looking at a PCB can be difficult, because the parts aren�t immediately obvious as to what function they perform. There are components that are basic to each circuit but the values, positions and make of each component can be slightly different. Here�s how to identify some of the major parts of a PCB.


These battery-shaped devices are easily noticed by their distinct cylinder shape as well as the values printed on the side with 3 digit codes to identify their capacity and values. Each capacitor is usually placed on the PCB marked with a C on the silkscreen.


A common sight on all PCBs is the resistor, the governing component of the board. They are small are cylinder shaped. They come in various colors and have their value in Ohms printed on the side. They also have their tolerances on the side as well, but they are mainly marked with an R on the PCB for easy placements.


As an inductor is simply a coiled wire to produce a magnetic field, they are identified as the component with the coiled wire. They can be wrapped around a magnetic core to increase the field, but their look is distinct and un-missable. The L on the circuit board marks their place.


The battery provides the source of power and is the same shape battery found in smaller electronics such as watches. They are always well marked with their specifications on the battery.


The transistor is a three-pin component that, regardless of shape, is marked on the side with its specifications. The easiest way to locate them is by their unique three-pins as well as the Q on the PCBs.

Integrated circuit board companies on Circuit Boards

The integrated circuit is the easiest to identify with its long, rectangular shape with pins on either side. The main concern with integrated circuits is that they aren�t immediately apparent as to what their function is. Most circuit boards and integrated circuits come with a datasheet to identify functions. The part itself will have numbers that can be researched online to determine that model of circuit and what it�s known for.

There are a number of other lesser known pieces such as crystals, diodes, buzzers, and transformers that can be harder to identify. They can not always be found on standard circuit boards and knowing the basic pieces will enable a greater understanding of what the PCB can do. Taking a board apart is the fastest way to understanding it and creating an entirely new circuit board.

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